How many moments have you found yourself alone on a friday night. All your friends and acquaintances fulling their plans attending parties, going to social gatherings, after school activities. You pick up your phone and find yourself scrolling threw you phonebook multiple times attempting to discover a comforting soul to fill the empty space that has become a void in your life for days, soon became weeks, next thing a half a decade flies by and you find your residing in the same position, driven to complete the same mission, one that was a million to one possibility preached by each and every citizen that surrounds the space that became an iron cage separating your from the regular life you so severely desire. You have sacrificed friendships, relationships, education, and even family. Its crazy being penetrated deep beneath heart where your soul and flesh meet. Suppressed memories have seeped to the farthest depths, leaving you unable to speak. Narcotics and alcohol become the only things in life that seem to give you hand when have craved it most. Sleep has slowly faded from your nightly routine. Days turn to weeks. Half a month with no rest will not allow u to decided the difference between reality and fantasy. All that remains inside your crippled empty carcus is faith. Faith that no matter what life distributes in front of your way hoping to provoke a mistake leading to a downfall.  I have felt myself almost to the point of no return. But as a child grows up scared of the dark, that doesn’t mean a man raised in the dark is unable to discover the light! Night Mother Earth



I was reading an article this afternoon that real struck a nerve. A young male was forced to rewrite his graduation speech from high school 5 times due to him expressing how his faith in god fuel his drive to finish on top! Hold up….excuse me!! So your telling me that we can teach cultures of the Muslim faith, of Buddhism,children roam the halls wearing shirts containing images of Satan and Illuminati propaganda. But our youth are pretty much being taught not to believe in our lord and savior!! In a country built off Christianity, how have we allowed this to happen! I grew up probably the biggest believer in evolution, I believed in facts I could  see in front of my face. Until I witness an act of god for myself, it changed my whole outlook on life. If not for my new faith, I honestly believe I would not be alive to preach to every lost soul in search of direction. In america they are literally taking steps banning god from all schools, they want our country’s future to abolish every belief that conflicts with theirs! We are years away from a godless america, citizens get educated spread knowledge to a least one soul and ask them to do the same!! We still have our rights to free speech, and religion but if we don’t take action, our land of the free will only remain a memory of a better day!



I believe 75% of the violence around the world is a result from racism. Because of the color of of ones skin history leads us to believe we must stick to our own race. Because of events way beyond out of anyone still living on this earth’s control l. Look my fellow people we need to put a hault to all profiling according to the color of ones skin, the gender of someone or the age of thy human being! We all need remember we are all brothers and sisters in this world! Our father blessed us by creating each and every single one of us different not so that we use it to create conflict and rise on top of each other, but to embrace each others differences, everyone thinks sees,  feels, looks , smells different then the next person. Why not exchange knowledge passed down by each of our cultures, and combine to create a stronger more peacefully place for our children to be raised. This year we need to focus on becoming colorblind worldwide. Their is a war taking place far greater then most minds could imagine, if we don’t stand up and make a change this cold world is gonna transform us!! Wake up Citizens of mother earth, don’t sit by and watch the planet you love succumb to the constant violence provoke by racism!! Put your weapons down and rise against the ones behind the curtain pulling the strings!